Piscine Sweet Bean Curd

2:28 AM

Piscine Sweet Bean Curd

  • Bean curd 1 (about 300 grams)
  • # blast papers #
  • Yam is amylaceous 2 big spoon
  • Salt 1 small spoon
  • Pink of Chinese prickly ash 1 small spoon
  • White pepper a few
  • Clear water is right amount
  • # burden #
  • End of bubble any of several hot spice plants 2 big spoon
  • Big spoon of 1 of bubble ginger end
  • Big spoon of garlic powder ½
  • Chopped green onion 1 big spoon
  • Thick broad-bean sauce 1 big spoon
  • Vegetable oil is right amount
  • # of # fish sweet juice
  • Unripe draw 1 small spoon
  • Mature vinegar 1 big spoon
  • Bai Sha candy 1 big spoon
  • Balm 1 small spoon
  • Water is amylaceous 2 big spoon
  • Saline a few

  1. Bean curd cuts wide strip.
  2. yam starch, salt, Chinese prickly ash pink, white pepper adds right amount water to be moved into slightly stiff can hang on bean curd.
  3. Oily boiler is burned to 7 into heat, put wrap on the bean curd blast of amylaceous paste finalizes the design.
  4. bean curd answer blast, fish out accuses to do oily cent.
  5. Boiler burns heat, cheer put thick broad-bean sauce to fry outstanding, put stir-fry before stewing of end of bubble any of several hot spice plants, bubble ginger end, garlic powder to give sweet smell.
  6. Join soup-stock and bean curd burn tasty.
  7. Will unripe smoke, starch of candy of mature vinegar, salt, Bai Sha, balm, water mixes even, drench in boiler, mix is even, receive juice thick stiff, scatter on chopped green onion.
  8. Install dish can.