Oatmeal of Violet Potato of The Previous Night

1:41 AM

Oatmeal Of Violet Potato Of The Previous Night

  • Violet potato is optional
  • Yoghurt is optional
  • Water is optional
  • Oaten feed namely (feed namely more healthy)
  • Fruit, nut likes what to put what


PS: ? Fu of Yan of anxiety of Na make graceful the sliding weight of a steelyard of confused You of Ba of gourd ladle of Suo of press or rub against of  of badge of  of dirty boundless and indistinct smooth with a raking displays to vast? of bath of some  trade is the simplest the most convenient feed material to be bought the most easily,

  1. Ripe flay of violet potato evaporate
  2. Violet potato yoghurt is pure water is right amount join arrange machine to be hit into the shape that suckle former times
  3. Feed namely oaten present the mix in the bowl with former times of violet potato grandma even, get level with ladle surface, drench in the former times that use a grandma the face is even
  4. Last film is sealed put freezer one all night
  5. Take out those who place fruit nut what to be able to eat in the morning